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Web Design Master Series Article

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Master Series

Simple ClickBank Authentication

By William Bontrager

This article presents a script you can use to authenticate ClickBank purchases.

The script is for merchants who use ClickBank to sell products. Download the script and examples mentioned in this article at

(If you are a merchant with downloadable products, see for more information about ClickBank.)

The script is simple to implement. The URL of the script is what you specify as the "thank you page" at your ClickBank account information control panel. Example URL:

The script will:

1. Verify that the ClickBank receipt number is exactly eight characters long and contains only alphanumeric characters.

2. Verify that the referring URL is a ClickBank URL.

If the receipt number is eight alphanumeric characters *and* the script can determine that the receipt number was sent from a ClickBank URL, authentication will pass. Otherwise, it fails.

Near the top of the script are two places to customize. One specifies the file name of the web page template to present when authentication passes. The other specifies the one to present when authentication fails.

In either/both of the above templates, you can use


wherever you want the script to insert the ClickBank receipt number. Also, if you include any images, sounds, or other page elements that require a URL, use the complete http://... URL instead of a relative URL.

The web page template to be presented when authentication passes should, of course, contain instructions about how to proceed -- a download link, if appropriate -- and ways to contact you in case of problems or confusions.

Examples of both of these templates are in the ZIP file at

Just download, install, and use.

Will Bontrager

Copyright © 2002 Bontrager Connection, LLC

About the Author:

William Bontrager Programmer/Publisher, "WillMaster Possibilities" ezine mailto:[email protected]

Are you looking for top quality scripts? Visit Willmaster and check out his highly acclaimed Master Series scripts. Some free, some for a fee.

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